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Skip Hovsmith

- Senior Consultant at Approov
Developer and Evangelist - Software Performance and API Security - Linux and Android Client and Microservice Platforms

Approov Blog

A Tour of API Underprotection

April 3, 2018

An OWASP AppSec California 2018 Talk The fifth annual OWASP AppSec California was held in late January 2018 on the beach in Santa Monica. AppSec California is organized and run by an all-volunteer staff, and they put on a great conference — highly recommended. Besides excellent content and a chance to interact with many interesting colleagues, who wouldn’t want to hang out on the beach for a few days? Read Full Story

Strengthening OAuth2 for Mobile

January 3, 2018

Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2018 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The latest update was in October 2022. OAuth2, often combined with OpenID-Connect (OIDC), is a popular authorization framework that enables applications to protect resources from unauthorized access. It delegates user authentication to an authorization service, which then authorizes third-party applications to access the protected resources on the user’s behalf. OAuth2 provides authorization flows for both web and mobile applications. Read Full Story

Adding OAuth2 to Mobile Android and iOS Clients Using the AppAuth SDK

October 23, 2017

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2017 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The latest update was in October 2022. OAuth2, often combined with OpenID-Connect, is a popular authorization framework that enables applications to protect resources from unauthorized access. It delegates user authentication to an authorization service, which then authorizes third-party applications to access the protected resources on the user’s behalf. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for both web and mobile applications. Read Full Story

API Protection Requires Both User and App Authentication

August 14, 2017

As an API provider, you open your restful back end to those you trust in the hopes of doing something useful, making a profit, or both. You’re quite careful about registering and authenticating your users, and you probably identify the app they are calling from, but is that enough to protect access and your revenue stream from malicious actors? Read Full Story

Whitelists & Indirection Go Together Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter

July 28, 2017

source: nourishmorelove Used properly, whitelisting is a simple and effective security tactic to minimize attack surfaces. If you’re not on the list, you don‘t get in. No exceptions. Smooth as chocolate. If it’s too easy for you to find and spoof a name on the list, use indirection to make it harder. Sticky as peanut butter. Together they taste great. Read Full Story

How Python Coders Killed my Supposedly Secure JavaScript API Service

June 15, 2017

One Developer's Bad Dream Disclaimer: No Python or JavaScript coders were harmed during the writing of this article. All actions involving coders were safely simulated and purely fictional. Read Full Story

Hands on Mobile API Security: Pinning Client Connections

May 31, 2017

Add TLS and Certificate Pinning While Removing Client Secrets The Hands On Mobile API Security: Get Rid of Client Secrets tutorial demonstrates how to improve API security by removing vulnerable API secrets from mobile apps. In the tutorial, you work with a simple photo client which requires an API key to access NASA’s picture of the day service. An API Proxy, introduced between your client and the picture service, removes the need for storing and protecting the API key on the client itself. Read Full Story

Hands on Mobile API Security - Using a Proxy to Protect API Keys

May 11, 2017

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2017 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The latest update was in September 2022. API keys and other secrets poorly hidden inside mobile apps are a common source of mobile insecurity. You can do much better. In this tutorial, you will work with a simple Android mobile app which uses an API key to access the NASA picture of the day service. An API Reverse Proxy introduced between your mobile app and the NASA picture service will remove the need for storing and protecting the API key on the mobile app itself. In addition to improved API security, this approach offers some benefits in manageability and scalability. Alternatively, you may choose the approach discussed in the Runtime Secrets Protection article which doesn’t require any API backend work to be done - a significant positive if you don’t have a backend team immediately available and need a solution ASAP. Read Full Story